Report a Power Outage
Always Report Your Power Outage! We may not know your power is out.
If you are experiencing a power outage and have already checked your main breaker:
Call PowerTouch: 1-866-445-5551
Login to MyEnergy Online
Use the MyEnergy Mobile App
Our PowerTouch system and MyEnergy Online are available 24/7.
If you see a power line down, call 911 immediately. Do not approach any downed lines, even if you think they may be cable or telephone lines. Always treat a downed line as live and dangerous.
If you experience a power outage and have already checked your main breaker, please call PowerTouch: 1-866-445-5551.
Report a power outage from your phone number where you receive service. PowerTouch is tied to the mapping system and customers’ information system at Palmetto Electric. This is a tremendous advantage when it comes to pinpointing the exact location of problems on the system.
Your telephone is a vital connection to your cooperative. The telephone number you provide should be for the telephone at the actual service location for which you might be reporting an outage or other problem with your service.
Please help us keep our records up-to-date, so that when there is a problem, we can apply the full power of PowerTouch to get your power restored as quickly as possible.
How it works
When you call, listen carefully to the instructions. If we already have a record of the phone number you’re using to report the outage, the service will recognize it and will verify the location of the outage.
In the messages option of the menu, you can leave a detailed message, which should include your name, the exact location of the outage and a telephone number where you can be reached if line crews who are working to restore power need to contact you.
The more detailed the information you provide, the easier it will be for crews to locate the problem and restore power as quickly and as safely as possible: information about whether or not your neighbor’s lights are also out; if you have lights in only part of your home; if you see lines down or if you heard a loud noise just prior to the outage is extremely helpful to Palmetto Electric’s emergency crews.
As soon as your information is logged into the service, crews can be dispatched to the location of the problem.