Advance Pay
An Advance Pay account allows you to pay when you want, in the amount you want. Pay in advance of using electricity by adding money into your Advance Pay account and as you use electricity, the cost of usage is deducted from your Advance Pay account balance. Advance Pay members pay no disconnect or reconnect fees. With an advance pay account, new members are allowed to begin service without paying a deposit.
Auto-Pay & Bank Draft
Have your payment automatically deducted from your checking account, or charged to your debit/credit card each month on the date of your choosing (Auto-Pay) or on the due date (Bank Draft) with no credit card fees.
Levelized Billing
Levelized Billing makes your electric bills nearly predictable. Under Levelized Billing, each monthly bill is the rolling average of your electric usage for the most recent 12 months. For instance, this month’s bill would be the average electric usage of the previous 11 months, plus this month. The 12-month rolling average guards against drastic changes in your bill, even during the coldest and hottest months.
Are you tired of receiving a standard paper bill each month? Sign up for e-billing to receive an email notification when your bill is posted to your MyEnergy Online account. Each month, you will receive a link, allowing you to access your current bill. You will no longer receive a bill via the USPS mail system. Through MyEnergy Online, you can view and pay your bill, view account history, and update your account information
MyEnergy Online & MyEnergy Mobile App
MyEnergy Online makes managing your electric account easy. Monitor your electric usage with updated charts and graphs, set alerts and reminders, change billing and payment methods at any time, view and print your billing history, access cooperative information, view the outage map, report outages, make payments and more. Download the MyEnergy mobile app for free from the App Store or Google Play and access your account anytime, anywhere.
District Offices
Pay in-person or at the drive-thru of our district offices. Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Mail checks or money orders payable to:
Palmetto Electric Cooperative, Inc.
4063 Grays Hwy.
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Call PowerTouch at 1-866-445-5551 to make a payment over the phone with a debit/credit card.