'Play It Safe' Kids Zone
Safety Awareness is a priority to Palmetto Electric Cooperative.
It is our never-ending goal to educate our members and the community at large about the potential dangers and hazards associated with electricity.
Palmetto Electric also takes its electrical safety demonstration into local schools, camps, recreation centers and more to reach as many children in the community as possible. Online resources and the Virtual Safety Days program allow children and adults to access safety material anytime they want! Linny the Lineman, Palmetto Electric’s safety mascot, is a much-requested presence at educational functions as well as local festivals.
Linny and his friends from the community share videos and activities that cover a variety of safety topics including electrical safety, storm safety, wildlife safety, cyber safety and more. We encourage you to talk with your children about playing it safe around electricity and take advantage of our online resources designed to help families 'Play It Safe!'