Unexpected service calls can cost hundreds of dollars. Protect yourself against costly, unexpected repairs.
We are excited to announce a new partnership with HomeServe to bring home protection plans to Palmetto Electric CHAMP members.
HomeServe is the leading provider of home repair solutions nationwide with nearly 20 years of experience making home ownership easier. With a local and national network of licensed contractors and a U.S.-based call center, HomeServe is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are also accredited with the Better Business Bureau and a 4.8 out of 5-star post-job satisfaction score. HomeServe is the best tool a homeowner can have to protect themselves against costly home repairs. Call 1-800-223-5317.
Select the plan that is best for your home and enroll online today!
Interior Electric

Repair or replacement of the following, for which you have sole responsibility, that is damaged due to normal wear and tear: faulty wiring to points of use in your home, faulty outlets, broken light switches, and distribution center. The plan includes all service call charges, labor and materials for covered repairs within the benefit limits.
Pricing: $5.99 monthly / $71.88 annually
Service Calls: Multiple service calls per contract term.
Claim Limits: $2,500
Waiting Period: There is a 30-day waiting period
Exterior Electric

Repair or replacement of the following, for which you have sole responsibility, that is damaged due to normal wear and tear: Your home’s weatherhead, insulator, riser, meter base and service entrance conductor. The plan includes all service call charges, labor and materials for covered repairs within the benefit limits.
Pricing: $5.99 monthly / $71.88 annually
Service Calls: Multiple service calls per contract term.
Claim Limits: $5,000
Waiting Period: There is a 30-day waiting period.
Heat Pump/Cooling

Repair or replacement of the following for which you have sole responsibility, that is damaged due to normal wear and tear:the broken or failed capacitors, circuit boards, internal fuses, breakers, condensate pumps, condenser motor, condenser fan, contactor switches, delay timer, fan controls, fan relays, filter dryer, high and low-pressure switches, limit controls; up to 1 pound of refrigerant, relays, defrost controls, defrost sensors, transformers, and valves, that are part of your home’s electric central system.
Pricing: $16.99 monthly / $203.88 annually
Service Calls: Multiple
Claim Limits: $1,750 annually
Waiting Period: There is a 30-day waiting period.
Home Appliance

Repair or replacement of certain home appliances which fail due to normal wear and tear.
Covered Appliances: Clothes washer, clothes dryer, refrigerator, built-in microwave, dishwasher, range/oven/cooktop
Pricing: $38.99 monthly / $467.88 annually
Service Calls: Multiple
Waiting Period: There is a 30-day waiting period.
Claim Limits: The annual benefit limit is $1,000 for each covered appliance – meaning:
Clothes washer -$1,000 per year clothes dryer - $1,000 per year
Kitchen refrigerator - $1,000 per year
Built-in microwave - $1,000 per year Dishwasher - $1,000 per year
Range/oven/cooktop - $1,000 per year
Water Heater

Repair or replacement repair and replace plan that helps protects homeowners from the cost of repairing or replacing an electric, natural gas or propane water heater that is damaged due to normal wear and tear. The plan includes service call charges, labor and materials for covered repairs within the benefit limits.
Pricing: $12.99 monthly / $155.88 annually
Service Calls: Multiple service calls per contract term.
Claim Limits: $1,500
Waiting Period: There is a 30-day waiting period for repair.
There is a 90-day waiting period for replacement.
Water Service Line

Repair and replacement of leaking or permanently blocked water service line from the homeowner’s property boundary to the external wall of the home that is damaged due to normal wear and tear. The plan includes all service call charges, labor and materials for covered repairs within the benefit limits.
Pricing: $4.99 monthly / $59.88 annually
Service Calls: Multiple service calls per contract term.
Claim Limits: $10,000
Waiting Period: There is a 30-day waiting period.
Sewer/Septic Line

Repair or replacement of a leaking or permanently blocked sewer or septic service line from the homeowner’s property boundary to the external wall of the home or septic tank that is damaged due to normal wear and tear. The plan includes all service call charges, labor and materials for covered repairs within the benefit limits.
Pricing: $8.49 monthly / $101.88 annually
Service Calls: Multiple service calls per contract term.
Claim Limits: $10,000
Waiting Period: There is a 30-day waiting period.